Capital Investment Advisors

#149 – The Millionaire Next Door & Richer Than A Millionaire with Bill Danko

There are seven fundamental habits that many self-made millionaires have in common, and today’s guest best-selling co-author of “The Millionaire Next Door,” affluence expert and educator Dr. Bill Danko, explains.

In this episode, Dr. Danko sits down with Wes to explain his research and findings on the most common traits among those who have accumulated wealth and how they did it. Dr. Danko also goes over what frugality can accomplish, the role of marketing in American consumer behavior, and occupations that may help you retire sooner. They also discuss the dynamics between being versus feeling versus looking wealthy and how happiness, giving, and gratitude fold into that idea.

 Watch the full episode!

Call in with your financial questions for Wes to answer: 800-805-6301

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